Building relationships in the pet industry is probably the most important marketing strategy. Communication is used day-to-day at almost every kennel facility around the world. If you are using a free email service to manage this crucial communication, you are damaging your brand. Put yourself in your customers shoes. If you were choosing a boarding kennel for your dog and you had to choose between two facilities based on their email address, which one would you pick? or The branded email instantly makes one company look more professional than the other one. Generic emails make you look unprofessional and unestablished.
If you want to take your business seriously and you don’t use branded email addresses, then start now. Branded email addresses help establish your business as professional and legitimate. Remember, you are taking care of people’s precious pets. Instilling trust and confidence are essential to your business. Don’t come off as inexperienced, new or a hobbyist. Don’t give potential clients a reason to doubt your company or skill. Branded business email addresses are crucial to establishing a professional image, especially with completion on the rise in the pet industry. Everything you do with your brand should reflect the level of service you offer.
Generic emails make your company look small or part-time. You’re running a business and this isn’t a hobby. Take your email seriously and start using branded emails right away if you are not already. Not only does it make your company more legitimate but it can help make your small operation large by creating that corporate looking image. Showcase your premium quality services by establishing a professional and organized image. Create standardized email addresses for departments like “” or “” Create as many email addresses as needed. Keep control of your business email by assigning managers business email addresses instead of using their personal email address. This way you can monitor activity and keep control if they leave.
Don’t fall victim to a scammer. If you use a generic email address for your business, it is easier to fake. If your business email is and I get an email from pretending to be you, it is hard to differentiate. When using your branded email, these type of scams are harder to pull off. Give your clients a sense of security knowing that emails are coming from your business. Branded emails give your clients reassurance that they are dealing with a legitimate business. Don’t give competitors or new business the upper hand because they have branded emails and you don’t.
There may be some misconceptions, but branded emails are not expensive. You may even be paying for them and not using them. Many hosting providers offer free branded email address with monthly subscriptions. What’s your excuse? Google offers premium branded email options with Gsuite. Even Gsuite is inexpensive at $5/month per user. For an even better deal, ProPet clients have access to an exclusive deal through our reseller partner: (insert link). If you are not a ProPet client, you can still benefit from savings here: (insert link).The small investment is worth the upgrade in branding.
Branded emails help market your business for you. If you issue email addresses to select staff members, they instantly become brand ambassadors. Promote your business not your service provider. With branded emails, every time you send an email you are promoting your business. Use that email when engaging and communicating in local Facebook groups. Make it easier for friends and customers to refer people to you using a branded email address that is easier to remember than a generic one. Phasing out generic email accounts are easy. Setup a redirect from the generic email to the branded email address.
If you aren’t already using branded email addresses for your kennel, we hope this changes your mind. Take your business to the next level and establish your brand as premium. Talk to your hosting provider to see if they offer free or inexpensive email options or invest in a premium service like Google’s GSuite owned by your organization. You’ll gain access to additional services like Google Drive, Google Docs and more to keep your team organized.
Topics: Tips and Tricks
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