Simplify Your Invoicing
ProPet makes invoicing your clients easy through mass invoicing and auto-prompting invoice emails upon payment.
The first thing you will need to do is review/set up your invoice email templates. To complete this, navigate to your Settings > Invoice Options. You can add as many different invoice email templates as you require. You can choose whether you want ProPet to prompt the email invoice automatically or let you handle it manually, and you can choose the default invoice template.
Under the “Invoice Details” heading, you can customize your invoice, including the Invoice title, retail item pictures option, additional business details as required and the price/tax description in the “Invoice Details” section of your invoice options.
**New** Invoice Notes:
You can now add custom messages to your invoices. Simply click on the Invoice Notes tab and add your notes per service type. Invoice notes appear on the invoice just below the summary of invoice line items. They are saved once to an order when the order is first created and do not change after that for that order. You can build invoice notes by combining individual ‘note snippets’ and can assign an expiry date if applicable.
Each service type has its own invoice note. Depending on your needs, you may have to create the same note multiple times for each service.
Mass Invoicing:
You can mass email your invoices for the day (or other selected time periods up to seven days) by going to our new Tools tab and clicking on Mass Email Invoices. You can then list the invoices for your chosen time period and select the invoices you want to email (either individually or by using the Select All option). The sent invoices will be listed in the Sent folder of your Messages and the customer’s message history.
Once an invoice has been emailed already, either through the Mass Emailing function or by doing so manually, the invoice will still appear in the list but will be greyed out and will not be sent in a Mass Email again. If you want to resend a previously sent email, you can do so by emailing it manually from the confirmation page.
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