Our integration with Zapier is invitation only, but you can access ProPet on Zapier here: https://zapier.com/app/login?next=/developer/public-invite/96033/73118d5677026e94eb696ef1e2f75e99/%3Fcontext%3D10718203https://zapier.com/developer/invite/73508/5893e3f1d957ddcb35ed4724300bd441/
Customers and Events can be ‘Zapped’, with more options to come. At this time it’s a one-way zap from ProPet to another software. When a new customer is added or updated in ProPet it can be zapped to another software (like a CRM or marketing automation software) and when an Event is added to your ProPet calendar it can be zapped to another software, like Google Calendar!
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