Refunds through ProPet:
To issue a refund, you first need to navigate to the reservation confirmation page for the order you wish to refund. Click on “Issue refund” at the bottom of the invoice:
In the dialogue box, you will be able to choose the amount you would like to refund, as well as the payment method. You can customize these methods of payment. If you are integrated with one of our payment processors and the initial payment was taken using the online credit card, you will be able to refund the amount directly back to the customer’s credit card on file. For those integrated with Chosen Payments, you can also refund using your terminal if the initial payment was taken using the terminal.
**Important Note**:
Issuing the refund will re-create a balance on the invoice. You can choose to create an adjustment to balance this out or, if you are looking to cancel the invoice, you do NOT need to create the adjustment since the booking balance will automatically change to zero.
A refund with a “Create an adjustment to balance this refund” applied will look like this:
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