When you need to add some extra time between when one time slot ends and when the next time slot begins, you can do so in the User Management > Assigned Services tab. You can choose whether you want the client to see the total duration including the extra time or only show the duration of the service.
For example, if you have a 60min service and you want to add an extra 20min before another service can be requested.
In order to achieve this, you will need to follow these steps.
Editing the user
- Go to settings
- Under administration, select “user management”
- Under “users” edit the user(s) of your preference.
Adding a time slot
- Click on the “Services” tab
- Select the service (if you haven’t already) by checking the box beside the services the user can complete
- Add the Max number of pets and customers PER timeslot for that service
- Combine the duration of the service plus the extra time to give you the total timeslot duration. In the example above, 60min + 20min = 80min to the “Time slot Duration (minutes)”
- Select what the custom sees”
– The timeslot duration: this would be the total combined service duration plus the extra time
– The booking duration: the duration of the service only (the duration set up in the rate details)
- Save
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