If you are using an external payment processor, where payments are managed outside of ProPet, you can still use the Payment Instructions page to inform your customers on any specific payment information you may have. These instructions can be added under Settings > Administration > Payment Instructions.
On this page you can specify any payment information specific to the service.
Payment instructions will be listed before customers can submit an online request.
On the bottom of the page, you can include any applicable credit card fees that will apply to the invoices for customers paying with credit cards so that your financial reports are accurately recording payment information.
After setting up the payment instructions you can also set the Methods of Payment so that ProPet can record the methods of payment you accept accurately and these methods can be recorded in your payments report. On the methods of the Payment page, the applicable payment methods can be checked off, and other custom methods of payment can also be added to the list. Once all the changes are made, don’t forget to click on the ‘save’ button to update these changes.
Integrated with Payment Processor:
If you are integrated with one of our Payment Processors then you can set up your Payment Instructions with an extra but optional instruction to add a credit card. Once you are integrated under the Online Payments page, you will be presented with the options to ask for a credit card. These options can set the customer’s credit card to be required before requesting an online booking, or the credit card can be optional.
This setting can be set for each service module offered.
Payment instructions will be listed before customers can submit an online request
On the bottom of the page, you can include any applicable credit card fees that will apply to the invoices for customers paying with credit cards so that your financial reports are accurately recording payment information. Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Payment Options’ to update the changes made.
When setting up Methods of Payment with an integrated payment processor with a terminal, it is important to check off the “integrated POS Terminal” Option. If your integrated payment processor does not have a terminal option (i.e. Stripe), then this option does not need to be checked off.
In order for credit cards to be processed online for your payment processors, the “Online credit card payment” option must be checked off.
Any other additional method of payment can be added as a ‘custom method of payment’ for accurate records in your payment report.
Don’t forget to select the ‘Save’ button to update the changes made.
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