Buddies and Enemies on the Dashboard
Adding a buddy and enemy list lets you quickly identify fun pairs or bad combos of pets based on whether they are each other’s buddies or enemies lists, right from your daycare and boarding dashboard.
When two dogs are checked in and are on each other’s buddies list, you will see a green paw icon, , in their pet info on the “Currently Checked In” section of your dashboard. When there are 2 enemies checked in, you will see a red paw icon, . When a dog has both enemies and buddies in attendance, the red icon will take priority and appear on your dashboard. When the paw icon is grey, the pet has no friends or enemies saved to their profile.
If you click on the paw, you will see a pop-up of all the pets buddies, and enemies both checked in and others that are not checked in listed.
Buddies and Enemies Reports
You can generate a report for all buddies or all enemies, which includes the pet’s name, the dates of attendance, the date the dog became buddies or enemies, and any notes added to the friend/buddy status.
Let’s check out how to add buddies and enemies.
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