Requests: How do I confirm and what will I see?
To view and confirm a booking request, start by clicking Requests at the top of your account screen.
Booking requests are organized by service type. To begin reviewing a specific request, simply click the Review button next to it.
If there are any alerts, such as missing or expired vaccinations, missing information, or available customer credit, they will appear as banners at the top of the booking request screen.
Next, scroll down to review the booking instructions
After reviewing the booking request, scroll back up and click Book This Request to proceed.
Now you’ll need to assign the pet(s) to a kennel. This can be done manually by clicking Assign Kennels and dragging the pet(s) to the desired kennel, or automatically by selecting Assign First Available Kennel.
For multiple pets, you’ll be given the option to place them in Pets Together or Separate Kennels.
**Important Note**
The next step applies only to facilities with an integrated payment processor and automated deposit settings enabled.
When an automated deposit is required, you will have the option to:
- Override the deposit amount
- Use available customer credit (if applicable)
- Select the customer’s preferred payment card
The deposit will be charged to the selected card when you save this booking with the confirmed status.
To finalize the process, set the booking status to Confirmed Booking, decide whether to send a confirmation email to the customer, enter your initials, and click Save Reservation.
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