Overview of Vaccinations and all the warnings
There are many ways that Propet can be customized with regard to vaccinations.
List of Vaccines:
To view, add, remove, edit and rearrange vaccinations, simply navigate to your Settings > Vaccinations.
In this section, you can activate and make required or optional all relevant vaccinations for your area. Propet has a set list of standard vaccines, however, you can always add or remove them as required. To add vaccines, simply click on “Add New Vaccination”, add the name, select which pet species it applies to and Submit. Don’t forget to check the box that it is required if applicable.
To remove a vaccination (from the automated list) simple uncheck that it is “Active”.
You can also rearrange the list as it appears for your staff and customers to your preferred order. To do this simply click and hold on the grey arrow next to the vaccination and drag and drop into the correct position.
Vaccination Settings:
Vaccination settings allow you to customize what information you require from the customer before they can complete their reservation request.
- Allow Customers to book without proof of vaccination: clients are not required to add or provide proof of vaccination in order to complete their reservation request
- Require future vaccination date and document to be uploaded: clients are required to add their pets vaccination information INCLUDING proof of vaccination in the form of an uploaded document(s) or image(s)
- Require admin validation of vaccination information: clients will not be able to complete a reservation request until they have
– Updated their pets vaccination information
– Provided proof of vaccination
– Admin has both reviewed and verified that the input information is correct
You can customize which option works best PER service type and choose whether to require staff initials when validating vaccines or not.
Vaccination Notifications
There are multiple ways that ProPet can warn/notify staff and customers of vaccination status.
Firstly, you can choose how many days prior to expiring you want the warnings to start. The default is 30 days however, you can always update to your preferred number of days in advance.
To add a notification to the notification section of your Dashboard when a client updates their vaccine information and/or adds proof of vaccination, simply check “Yes” beside “Add a dashboard notification when a customer uploads a vaccination document” and/or beside “Add a dashboard notification when a customer updates a vaccination date”.
You can also have an email sent to your facility email informing you of the new vaccination documents by selecting “Yes” beside “Send email alert to kennel when a customer uploads a vaccination document”. Please note, in order for this email to be sent, you have to add an email address for ProPet notifications which can be found in your Settings > Company Profile > “Send email notifications to” first.
When sending a client a confirmation email for an upcoming reservation and the pet has missing or expired vaccinations, you can customize a message to send to your client informing them of the missing or expired records. This message will appear at the bottom of their confirmation summary.
How can my staff see that vaccinations need attention?
Your staff are warned in many places when vaccinations are not up to date. Look for these icons:
Vaccinations missing or expired
Vaccinations will expire within the number of days specified in your Vaccination Notification settings
Here are locations where you will see warnings:
- Customer Overview page
- Pet Summary Page
- When booking the pets next reservation
- After booking a reservation for a pet whose vaccines will expire near or before the date of the reservation
- When checking in a pet with expired or updated vaccinations that have not been validated by staff yet.
- Day Summary Reports
- Reservation Confirmation Page
- Boarding/Daycare/Grooming/Training Sheets (optional)
- For those facilities using Ongoing schedules, you will see vaccination statuses in the Expected Daycare list
- Customers can see Vaccination warnings on the home page of their profile
How can I check the vaccination status of future reservations?
We have a report to check the vaccination status of the pets coming in over a specific date range. Simply navigate to your Reports > Vaccinations (Under the Miscellaneous heading).
From there you can add your date range and filter for what type of vaccination status you are looking for.
For those facilities utilizing the Mailchimp integration, you can target those customers who have expired vaccinations and send them a reminder email to update their records within ProPet. If you are not using Mailchimp, don’t worry, you can always set up Reminder emails in ProPet which will include your custom message for Missing/Expiring vaccinations.
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