Text Messaging (SMS)
Send automated text messaging from your portal.
We know your customers are always on the go and don’t always check email. Use automated text messaging to reduce no-shows and limit lost revenue.
Text Messaging (SMS)
Messages right to your clients phone!
Our SMS feature is available for our North American customers. Text messaging is a premium add-on that is billed per use via your Twillio account.
Unique Phone Number for Texting Only
- You will be assigned a unique local phone number for SMS integration with ProPet
- Staff can send and respond to text messages from the portal
- Add a SMS signature to the bottom of outgoing messages
- Specify which user levels have access to send SMS messages
Text Messages Tracked in ProPet
- Text message communication will be saved in ProPet
- Send custom individual text messages from ProPet Software
- Text messaging report to log all communication
- Extract attachments from SMS messages sent from clients
Automated Text Messaging
- Set up automated reminder and thank-you text messages
- Booking confirmations can now be sent by SMS to your customer
- Use variables to customize text messages
- Send text messages on Grooming check-outs
- Turn off reminder and thank you text messages to specific customers
Reminder Text to Confirm Booking with Client
- Your customer will be able to “Click to confirm” the booking prior to their appointment
- The status of confirmation of the booking appears in the day summary reports