Blogging can seem like a scary thing to take on when you’re already so busy with your pet boarding and daycare facility. Your day-to-day pet business takes up a lot of your time! A blog can be a very worthwhile tool-it can act as a means of advertising, vital for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and a way to set your business apart as a leader in your industry. Still not convinced? Here are 5 simple reasons why your business should get blogging today:
You’re proud of your boarding and daycare facility, you should show it off! Writing posts about your business can involve more than just words. Include pictures and fun videos in each post to show customers the ins and outs of your facility. Do you have a great acreage, luxurious kennels, or a doggy spa? Post about them! Use your blog to talk to your customers and tell them about the features and benefits that your facility offers and why these features are great for their pets. Highlight programs you offer and problems you solve. Your current and future customers can get to know your facility and the people behind it through the content that you post on your webpage.
Your blog is a great place to show your customers that you have an extensive knowledge base and invite them to turn to you for advice and information. As a kennel/daycare facility, you have vast amounts of information about pet care, grooming, behaviour modification, dog training, etc. so use it to your advantage! Create blog posts that inform and educate your clients about the best ways to care for their pets. Share your tips and tricks to establish yourself as a local pet care thought leader. Focus on topics that answers your client’s and potential clients’ questions. You can then share your expert advice easily across different social media platforms and your newsletter. Sharing your advice on a blog helps make you and your business stand out as an expert in your industry.
A blog can help your pet boarding and daycare business to gain attention and build an online presence. If you enhance your website with engaging and quality posts, people who enjoy them will share them with friends and on social media. When clients share your content, you are encouraging social proof filled interactions between people. The best way to gain positive attention for your business is to let your customers do the sharing for you! Your business can get more attention from potential customers without paying more for your marketing because of the positive social media attention that your blog and website receives. When others share your content, it shows Google that people like your content which then helps your Search Engine ranking potential as it increases your credibility.
If you post about places, products, and events in your local area, your blog can actually help you to develop a good relationship with the customers that will visit your establishment the most. Blogging affords your business the opportunity to engage with the community and develop a local presence. Why is this helpful? Businesses who blog naturally drive more traffic to their website, but businesses who engage with their local area develop bonds with their customers based on trust-which translates to more loyal customers. Publishing locally focused content is a great way to introduce your business to new potential clients. If someone visits your website when looking for “Pet-Friendly Restaurants in your Area”, it may be their first interaction with your business and may remember your business when they next need pet care.
Blogging on a frequent basis shows that your business is current. Without new content on your social media and website, potential customers might view a stagnant website as a sign that your business is not interested in updating your customers and interacting with the community. Blogging on a regular basis does not have to be stringent or stressful. Do what works for your business! If you have time to post several times a week then do so, if you only have time once a month then that’s ok too. Regular updates to the content on your website will not only attract and engage your customers, but I helps with your search engine ranking.
Blogging can be time-consuming and difficult. Using good keyword strategies, understanding local SEO ranking factors, and developing a clean writing style all take time to do well-and ProPet understands that. Have any questions about blogging or getting started? Post them in the comments below-we’d love to talk to you!
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