Making money is one thing, keeping track of that money is another.
If you’re not organized it is incredibly easy to lose track of your finances as your small business grows. Any small business owner is familiar with the unpleasantness of frantically tracking down a receipt or sifting through a stack of paper trying to tally their monthly or yearly earnings.
Organizing your finances can be very time-consuming and for many business owners keeping track of finances can take almost as much time as serving their customers. So why make things more difficult than they need to be?
ProPet offers robust financial reports that allow you to stay organized while also keeping track of your income. ProPet’s financial reports load quickly and are presented to you in a way that is easily understandable, no headache required!
Here are a few of ProPet’s financial reports that are designed to make your life easier and more efficient:
Payments Report
The Payments Report is an exceptional way to get a snapshot of all the transactions made at your business over a certain time period. It allows you to track and display details like how many transactions occurred, what methods of payment were used for each transaction, and what service the transaction paid for.
It also allows you to scroll through a list of all the transactions or quickly search for a specific keyword from that list; such as a customer name, pet name, service type, or payment method. This allows you to easily identify specific transaction types like all boarding transaction or all grooming transaction and also allows you to search for transactions from a specific customer in case you’d like to take a look at their buying history and habits.
The Payments Report is a great way to get a basic summary of your business’ transaction history as well as identify the most popular services and methods of payment.
Total Revenue Report
The Total Revenue Report is an excellent way to get an overview of your business’ financial history. It is designed to help you compare earnings from different months or years so that you can easily identify key income trends at a glance.
When you run a Total Revenue Report you are able to select a date range, this enables you to only see relevant data from a time period of your choosing. Once you have selected your date range you simply click ‘generate report.’
What happens next is really neat, ProPet uses transaction data from all previous ProPet invoices to generate graphs and an easy to read financial breakdown. This breakdown summarizes your monthly or yearly income totals, and provides insight which allows you to identify your monthly or seasonal income trends.
Using the Total Revenue Report allows you to easily identify busy seasons and slow seasons as well as pinpoint payment traffic patterns.
Your Total Revenue Report shows that you’re consistently busy in July and August? That’s great! Maybe you should consider hiring some part-time staff to help with the seasonal rush!
March and April are about 20% slower than your monthly average? Not to worry! Now you know what time of year you need to increase your marketing presence to boost your brand awareness and attract more new clients.
The Total Revenue Report can also be saved for later use or printed out in hardcopy to share at staff meetings or when applying for a business loan.
ProPet’s Total Revenue Report is a useful tool to have in your arsenal and it shouldn’t be overlooked! Try running your Total Revenue Report today!
Revenue by Service Report
The Revenue by Service Report is similar to the Total Revenue Report but it takes things one step further!
When you run a Revenue by Service Report you are able to see all the income you made over a certain time period from each service you offer. This means if you run a business that offers boarding, grooming and daycare, you’ll be able to compare earnings from each sphere of your business and see how each service stacks up against the others.
This is a great way to gain insight on which services are most popular, by how much, and during which seasons.
These insights are useful when making decisions about which side of your business to invest more money into and which sides of your business you might need to tinker with before you get the desired results.
The Revenue by Service Report is an excellent way to get a clear understanding of your businesses strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to make better decisions and grow your business.
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