You love your customers, there’s no doubt about it. They trust you with their pet(s) and you consistently strive to maintain a great relationship with each one of them. The thing is…the more customers that you have, the harder it becomes to keep track of all of the little things that are vital to the health and happiness of each pet that comes into your facility. The key to lasting customer success lies in getting to know your customers better. A solid working relationship with your clients means a stronger business…but what tools can you use to make the process of getting to know your customers easier? An online booking software with a modern customer interface is the answer.
When you think of kennel management software do you consider the dashboard/administrator functions and what they can do to help your facility? I bet that you do. Even if your software is a bit outdated it still does its job, right? The customer side of your booking software has the potential to increase both your revenue and customer satisfaction, but it needs to be modern and simple to use. In order to maximize the potential of your customer portal, you need to take a step back and look at your customer experience. When your customers access their accounts, are they greeted with a modern look and feel, or are they confronted with an outdated booking system? If you haven’t created a test account using your customer portal, you should do so as soon as possible. Does your software run effectively on all modern browsers and systems? You want your customers to be able to book quickly and conveniently from anywhere on their computer, smartphone, or tablet. You understand their busy lifestyles and desire for convenience, and having a great customer interface reflects that. You don’t want to be the facility whose online booking is only compatible with Windows 7!
If your customer portal doesn’t offer the ability for your clients to upload their own photo, you might be missing the opportunity to connect with them on a personal level. Nothing is nicer than walking into a business that you love and the staff knowing who you are. You have a lot of clients and pets coming in and out of your facility, and it’s ok if you can’t always put a face to the name of the clients that are booking today. A customer portal that allows your clients to upload their photo, and a photo of their pet, means that you will be able to see both the name and the face of the client booking with you as you confirm their reservation! When your customers come to drop off their pet, you have the opportunity to greet them confidently and establish that personal relationship right away.
Personalized service is an important part of getting to know your clients, both animal and human. Medication information, special dietary needs, and temperament information are all vital to the pet’s health and happiness during their stay, so make it easy for your clients to let you know this information! A good customer interface allows them to input and change information as needed, which means that you are always up to date. The ability to assign notes to the pet, client, or booking allows your facility the freedom to provide personalized customer service because you always know what your customers need, when they need it. Forget something? We all do! You and your staff have the ability to check a customer’s file or generate customized kennel cards at any time for quick reference. You can even communicate with your customers quickly and easily via an internal messaging system! Getting to know the details of your customers and furry clients is essential to better customer service, and is easily accomplished with the right software.
No pet business wants to turn a customer away when they come to drop off their pet for their scheduled stay. This situation is awkward, and bad for business, because it means that there was an avoidable miscommunication about the requirements somewhere in the booking process. An easy way to ensure that this never happens at your facility is to provide detailed and complete instructions for the stay via the customer portal of your software. Do you require updated vaccinations, agreements to be signed, and questions to be answered prior to drop-off? Let your customers know, in no uncertain terms, via Booking Forms, vaccination alerts, and personalized messages. A vaccination alert system built into your software means that both you and your customers will know when a pet’s vaccinations are about to expire, before their booking is even complete. A customer’s top priority is their pet’s health, so by keeping track of vaccinations with your smart software you are showing them that it’s your priority as well. A great customer portal means that your facility, your client, and their pet are all prepared for the visit. Your clients will always be ready for the drop-off…which means no more awkward encounters!
Want more details on how a great customer interface can help you to connect with your clients? Sign up for a demo of ProPet Software today!
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