Here at ProPet Software, we understand the triumphs and struggles that our customers face on a daily basis. While talking to pet professionals in this business, we are constantly amazed by the commitment and love of pets that we see. We encounter so many amazing facilities that we decided to start a spotlight to showcase the unbelievable people and pets that we meet! Our very first Customer Spotlight goes to a facility whose love of pets shines through their attention to detail and focus on quality care!
We had the opportunity to chat with Peter from Hwy7 Pet Retreat in Ashton, Ontario so that we could really get to know his daily challenges and struggles, as well as what we’ve done to help his operation run more smoothly. Hwy7 Pet Retreat is a multi-dimensional dog and cat boarding facility that offers boarding, daycare, grooming, pet massage, chiropractic, and reiki services. Be sure to visit their website and connect with them on Facebook as well! We were able to catch up with Peter during a rare quiet moment in his busy day to ask him some questions…
ProPet: Why did you get into the pet business?
Peter: It’s for the love of pets.
ProPet: What is the most fulfilling part of your job?
Peter: Seeing our pet clients happy and playing, and our clients [the human ones] relaxed, happy, and secure when they leave their babies with us.
ProPet: What are some challenges that you face?
Peter: At the moment, since we are still new in this industry, getting our name out there is our biggest task.
ProPet: What has ProPet changed about the way that you run your business?
Peter: Before ProPet we used to have to utilize different systems to run our business. We now have more time to focus on other aspects of our business since everything we need is in one program from online booking, client and pet management, data storage, reports and so much more….
Hwy7 Pet Retreat is focused on creating a great experience for their clients, both human and animal. It’s great to know that ProPet frees up more time in the day so that they can focus on what really matters: the pets and the people! Thanks so much to Peter for taking the time to chat with us, and stay tuned for our next Customer Spotlight!
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