Setting up your rates
To set up your rates as Pooled availability
- Go to Settings
- Under the Pricing heading, select the service type (e.g., Grooming)
- Edit the rate you wish to be considered as Pooled Availability
- Set the Customer portal scheduling mode to “Date picker with pooled availability and staff filter” or “Date Picker with pooled availability”
- Click Save
Setting up your users
To set up the availability of your users:
- Go to Settings
- Under the Administration heading, select User Management
- Click Edit by the user you wish to set Pooled Availability to
- Click on the Services tab
- Click on the Regular Work Hours tab to set the work hours to match your staff member’s work hours.
(For example: If between small, medium, and large dog grooms your employee can do a maximum of 8 hours of work, then set your employees’ total work hours to total 8 hours)
Setting up your Drop Off times
To set drop off times for your customers to choose from:
- Go to Settings
- Under the Administration heading, select Grooming Options [/Training/Standalone]
- In the Entry Times for Pooled Availability section, click Edit Entry Times for Grooming [/Training/Standalone] (This option is only available when at least one rate from this service type is set to Pooled Availability)
- Select the entry times your customers are able to choose from
- For holidays or days with special schedules, you are able to override these entry times by clicking “Add Override”
- If you use Pooled Availability, it is recommended to set the Grooming Options to “When booking online, the customer sees: Start times only” (Customers will only be able to see the start time on their reminders and invoices)
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