How to Use Text Messaging Feature: The text messaging feature allows for one on one communication between you and your customers on their mobile devices. It allows for you to send customized texts but also confirmation, reminder, and thank you texts. (Settings > Text Messages > Booking Confirmation Texts and Reminder/Thank You Texts)
What this feature allows you to do: This feature allows you to customize your texts and create an electronic signature. It also allows you to set which bookings (boarding, daycare, grooming, service) you would like confirmation texts sent for and customize the confirmation message that will be sent out.
The Electronic Signature: (Settings > Text Messages > Text Message Settings): This will create a signature that will auto-appear and send with any custom text messages sent directly to your customers.
The Reminder/Thank You Texts page: (Settings > Text Messages > Reminder/Thank You Texts), you will see a summary of the settings for current text messages (as pictured below). It displays a couple of lines from the text, the service it applies to, the days in advance to send thank you/reminder, as well as the time you would like the text to be sent out automatically. This page allows you to add new Reminder and Thank you texts and also allows you to edit your message and formatting.
Adding/editing a text message: If you would like to add a new message you would click the grey button with the plus icon that reads ” Add New Reminder/Thank You Text”. If you would like to edit an existing text, you would select Edit (written in blue).
Whether you are adding or editing a text message, you will see the same fields to fill out. You are able to create texts that apply to a specific service and time of day to send them. The only difference between a reminder and a thank you text is that: a reminder text is meant to be sent out a couple of days prior to booking, whereas the thank you text is sent out after a booking is complete (as pictured below).
Sending personalized text messages: The text messaging feature also allows you to send personalized text messages to your customers. If you search and enter a customer’s profile, you can send them a text by selecting the text bubble, , in the top right corner of their profile. A pop up screen will appear where you can manually type in the customer’s number (which will automatically save to the profile) or select the number already saved to the profile.
For those customers using the grooming module, you also have the option automatically send a text message once the pet is checked out of their grooming service. Click here for more information.
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